
Internet issues at the breeding track

Auðlind frá Þjórsárbakka and Þorgeir Ólafsson in the lead in V1

Auðlind frá Þjórsárbakka and Þorgeir in the lead in Fourgait V1 wiht a score of 7,77. 19 riders participated in Fourgait and the level was high. We will see the best 6 riders and their horses again in the A-finals on Sunday at 10:30 am Til hamingju knapar!!!

Álfamær frá Prestbæ og Árni Björn scored 9,07

Results from preliminaries in A-class. Photo @Bert Collet

Startinglists of the middlerounds in Gæðingakeppni

The startinglists for the middlerounds have been published.

HorseDay's newest update

HorseDay updated their smart app last night and we encourage all visitors and smart app users to download the latest update. The update can be downloaded from the app store for iPhone and google play for android. Then all the latest changes should become visible.

Marín frá Lækjarbrekku 2 and Ída Mekkin Hlynsdóttir in the lead in Teenageclass

The special pre-round in the Teenageclass at Landsmót is over now. Marín frá Lækjarbrekku 2 and her rider Ída Mekkin Hlynsdóttir are at the top after the preliminary competition with a score of 8,79. The competition started at 09:00 and 104 competitors showed their horses in a special preliminary competition. All grades can be found below and on the tournament's website under Results. In the HorseDay app you can also find all the results and detailed ratings. The top 30 horses and riders then proceed to intermediate groups that take place on Thursday at 08:30. Congratulations to all the horses and riders!

Björk Jakobs signs books

Today at 15.00, the writer and director Björk Jakobsdóttir will meet at Fákur's clubhouse, at Landsmót. There, Björk will sign her books "Hetja" and "Eldur" and read to guests.

Pedestrians please don't walk on riding tracks

We ask pedestrians not to use the riding tracks as footpaths. It is extremely important that we keep the riding tracks free for competitiors and horses. Pedestrians plese use the paved streets, which have been closed to car traffic.

First trophies of LM2024 are handed out

Tonight the first Sportcompetition took place. 19 contestants participated in PP1 Pacetest - Gæðingaskeið. Hinrik Bragason and Trú frá Árbakka won with a score of 8,75 Second place went to Jakob Svavar Sigurðsson with Ernir frá Efri-Hrepp 8,42, followed by Daníel Gunnarsson with Strákur frá Miðsitju 8,33

Tumi frá Jarðbrú and Matthías Sigurðsson in the lead in young adult class!

The special pre-round in B-Flokkur Ungmenna at Landsmót is over now. Tumi frá Jarðbrú and his rider Matthías Sigurðsson are at the top after the preliminary competition with a score of 8.91. The competition started at 18:40 and 82 competitors showed their horses in a special preliminary competition. All grades can be found below and on the tournament's website under Results. In the HorseDay app you can also find all the results and detailed ratings. The top 30 horses and riders then proceed to intermediate groups that take place on Wednesday at 14:10. Congratulations to all the horses and riders!