
Svandis Aitken and Fjöður won the B-finals in Teenageclass

Svandís Aitken Sævarsdóttir won the B final in the Junior category on Fjöður frá Hrísakoti with a score of 8.88. We will see them again on Sunday in the A-final. Til hamingju! Sæti Keppandi Heildareinkunn 8 Svandís Aitken Sævarsdóttir / Fjöður frá Hrísakoti 8,88 9 Hildur María Jóhannesdóttir / Viðar frá Klauf 8,74 10 Sigurbjörg Helgadóttir / Elva frá Auðsholtshjáleigu 8,70 11 Ísak Ævarr Steinsson / Lukka frá Eyrarbakka 8,63 12 Gabríel Liljendal Friðfinnsson / Ólsen frá Egilsá 8,61 13 Fanndís Helgadóttir / Garpur frá Skúfslæk 8,55 14 Kristín María Kristjánsdóttir / Skjóni frá Skálakoti 8,54 15 Lilja Rún Sigurjónsdóttir / Sigð frá Syðri-Gegnishólum 8,53

Una Björt and Agla won the B-finals in Childrenclass

It was Sörlimemeber Una Björt Valgarðsdóttir with Agla frá Ási 2 with a score of 8.75 who won the B final in the Children's category. We will see them again on Sunday at 12:45 in the A finals. Sæti Keppandi Heildareinkunn 8 Una Björt Valgarðsdóttir / Agla frá Ási 2 8,75 9 Viktor Arnbro Þórhallsson / Glitnir frá Ysta-Gerði 8,57 10 Viktor Leifsson / Glaður frá Mykjunesi 2 8,54 11 Svandís Svava Halldórsdóttir / Nína frá Áslandi 8,51 12-13 Sigrún Sunna Reynisdóttir / Mylla frá Hólum 8,49 12-13 Hrafnar Freyr Leósson / Heiðar frá Álfhólum 8,49 14 Álfheiður Þóra Ágústsdóttir / Auður frá Vestra-Fíflholti 6,79 15 Emma Rún Arnardóttir / Tenór frá Litlu-Sandvík 4,45

Gústaf Ásgeir and Assa frá Miðhúsum winners of B-finals in tölt

The B-finals in tölt took place tonight in a very pleasant weather. It was Gústaf Ásgeir Hinriksson and Assa from Miðhúsum with the score of 8.61 who won, while Flosi Ólafsson on Röðli from Haukagili Hvítársíðu gave them a tough competition and received a score of 8.56. Gustaf and Assa will therefore compete again in the A finals, which will take place tomorrow, Saturday, at 21:10. Here are the results of the B results:

Konráð Valur Landsmóts winner again in 150m pace race

Konráð Valur Sveinsson is the winner in the 150m pace race at Kjarkur from Árbæjarhjáleigu in a time of 13.75 seconds. Konráð Valur is therefore a two-time Landsmóts winner at Landsmót hestamanna 2024.

Konráð Valur og Kastor frá Garðshorni á Þelamörk Landsmóts winner in 250m pace race

Konráð Valur and Kastor from Garðshorn in Þelamörk are Landsmóts winners in the 250m pace race with a time of 21.50 seconds. In second place was Sigursteinn Sumarliðason and Krokus from Dalbær with a time of 21.72 seconds. Third was Gústaf Ásgeir Hinriksson á Sjóð from Þóreyjarnúpi with a time of 22.01 sec. Here are all the results;

There is a PARTY tonight!!!

There is an amazing entertainment program ahead here at Landsmót. Tonight the house band will play on the main stage and Gunni Óla, Helgi Björns, Hreimur and Salka Sól will perform. Tickets are sold at the door and the price is ISK 5,900. The area opens at 21:00.

European Championship at Landsmot

The matches at the EM will be shown in the Wine tent next to the riding hall at Landsmot.

Education house - many interesting lectures today!

Do not miss the lectures in the Education house down at the Breeding track.

The Market tent opens at 12.00 o clock today!!

The Market tent opens at 12.00 o clock today!!

Árni Björn and Kastanía in the lead in Tölt T1

Árni Björn Pálsson on Kastanía from Kvistum stands at the top after the preliminary competition in tölt at the National Equestrian Championship. The rating is 8.77. Great performances, great weather and packed slopes. B-results take place on Friday evening at 20:15 and A-results on Saturday evening at 21:10.